Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Character Build

Good Afternoon,

As the term has been dragging on for what seems like an eternity and a bit, I decided this last week before the break I'd do something a little more light hearted. Although it wasn't that light hearted, but it was fun. I used this with classes ranging from A2- B2. It was a simple character build but rather than just put in random characteristics I asked them to act as if they were that person and truly, honestly try and expess what they might be feeling.
The class is basically 3 fold and for once I didn't tell them why they were following the powerpoint and thus, the class.

Part one I took notes on which groups they joined.
Then when they got a picture I focused on their reaction. A number of them asked to change.
The next part was what was most interesting. It was watching how the students approached te task. Some of it quick horrifying to be honest.

Keep an eye on where they go with the task.

The key is the reflection. When looking back at their work and reflecting upon their snap judgements and their hugely stereotyped responces actually got a few students to stop and think for a moment. I recommend spending quite a while on both the linguistic benefits of the activity and the morality based self review.

Hope it's of use. Here is the powerpoint