Happy New Year everyone. I trust you've had a delightful festive period and you're nice and refresed for the year ahead.
As I'm sure all of you are aware the typical thing for people to do at this time of year is get students to think about and work with new years resolutions. Don't get me wrong, I really like my classes working on the classic NY resolution activities like list building activities and guessing the most common new years resolutions. It's just I've been doing it for 8 years now I and I fancied doing something a wee bit different.
What I'm doing at the moment is something a little different. I was inspired on one of my many visits to themetapicture.com. What I'm doing with my classes is just going through some simple life hacks and some general wise words. If you look below you'll see thirty different tips. Not only on how to simply get through the day, but also how you can make yours and other pepole's days a little easier. Not to mention occasionally just a shade more fun.
My Top 30 Tips for Life
1. There are plenty of ways of getting into the pool.
The stairs is not one of them.
2. If a street performer makes you stop, you owe them
3. When entrusted with a secret keep it.
4. When loading the diswasher always segregate your cutlery. It will make emptying it a lot easier.
5. Smile at strangers.
6. You only get one chance to notice a new haircut.
7. Never lie to your doctor.
8. Take a break from yout electronic devices, at least
once a year.
9. It's never too late for an apology.
10. Give credit. Take blame.
11. Stand up to bullies.
12. Admit when you’re wrong.
13. The dinner table is for eating. Not mobile phones.
Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them.
15. Know how to cook one good meal.
16. If you don't understand, ask before it’s too late.
17. Don't make promises unless you're going to keep them
18. Appreciate your parents. Theyre amazing.
19. Buy the orange properties on monopoly.
20. Never waste nutella. Use a scoop of ice cream to
get the last bits from the jar.
21. Respect other people's problems. They belong to
22. Laugh at yourself.
23. Win and lose gracefully.
24. Not everyone wants advice or suggestions. Usually
you just need to listen.
25. It doesn't matter who did it, clean it up.
26. If there is a woman in your life, she's ALWAYS right.
27. Stop thinking about what you've done wrong and start doing what you're going to do right.
28. Hot pan, cold oil. Food never sticks
29. Remember violence isn't an answer but If there is
NO choice but to fight. Punch first and punch hard.'
30. Know when to stop.
It should go unsaid that before going through this list of wise words and idea you introduce the word phrase life hack to your students. Here is a great page to give them the idea lifehacks.com. Then, after sharing my list I get students to compiling their own lis of at least ten ideas. This can be done in class or at home. If it's at home get students to look online for things like life hacks. I got them to share them with the class and keep the list to hand so they could take classmates ideas and add them to their own list to give themselves a top 15 and beyond.
Another thing I've got my students to do with as many of these tips as possible is to rephrase them as a way to aid UOE part 4.
I also encourage them to keep it close to hand so if they ever come across or think of other ideas to add them to their list.
The worksheet is below and can be downloaded and edited from the same place as always just look for Tips and Life Hacks