The idea that a song holds significance can really add an impetus to learn and also a serious connection to the vocabulary, grammar and ideas presented in the song.
What I like to do is start my students off with some brief information about my favourite song and then move on to a slightly different gap fill to what is traditional.
After you've bared your soul to the class and worked through the song using, clarifying any issues with the vocabulary and getting students to use it throughout the class, you'll find students are happy to bare their own souls within the music they love. Since introducing my song to my classes I tend to get an overwhelming response from my students wanting to create their own materials. Not only to show you how they feel about the song but to also get a better understanding of what they're listening to. I've found with a great deal of my classes they're now paying significantly more attention to the songs they listen to.
My favourite song in Everlong by the Foo Fighters. I've attached the worksheet here: Everlong
I hope it works as well for you as it has for me.
'til the next time.
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