It was a simple little idea about a mini project. Either written or spoken. Or better still both.
We're told in the world of TEFL that translation is bad. I tend to disagree with this idea as I feel it has a useful place in almost any class. Perhaps not as a general rule but as a one off activity it seems foolish not to utilze this option. This very activity thrives on the translation side of learning.
Much like many activities using songs! But that's for another day all together.
Anyway, this super simple activity can make students feel valued and that you genuinely care about them. After all what's better than someone remembering your birthday and not thanks to a notification on facebook. This activity will get it stuck in your mind and you might learn something new yourself.
I simply sent my students home and told them to research their birthday on wikipedia in their native tongue. I then asked them to choose 5 events from their birthday in history, translate them, research them a little and come up with a quick 10-15 minute presentation. Leaving them just 2-3 minutes on each event/celebrity birthday. I emphasis that it needs to be searched on wikipedia in their own language is that each different page has different events and national events are often more interesting to the students.
My birthday, for example, is one of the least interesting days in history with very few notable birthdays and a derth of interesting events.
My quick presentation consisted of a mini biogrophy of Clyde Barrow and his antics with Bonnie Parker.
James the VI of Scotland becoming James I of England.
The Abolishion of slavery in Venezuela.
Elvis being drafted into the army.
The bombing of Kosovo by NATO.
I threw in the bonus my namesake of Harry Houdini being born on the illustrious qday of March 24th.
I found my students got really involved and I could now tell you the birthdays of all of those students in my B2 class. If you wanted to send them a card or something.
I hope your students enjoy this as much as mine did feel their true value as people rather than just students.
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