With that in mind I recently saw a classic clip from Bulgaria's top talent show, a take on Pop Idol. We all know the best part of these shows are when the telentless individuals get on the screen and it has the car crash effect where you just can't look away. After seeing this wonderful clip I decided I wanted the world to see it. At least those who hadn't already seen it on Youtube. Alas, being but an ESL teacher my world is confiened to the four walls of my
- Get students to list as many artists and songs as they can for the first slide of the presentation which contains 5 different genres of music.
- Next get them to talk about the common traits between the five women on the next page. Elict that they are Divas and get them to suggest a few more. My personal favourite from a 12 year old student was Kanye West.
- Then show them the definition and see if that coaxes out a couple more.
- The next part is getting your students to do a gap fill of one of the world's most popular diva's most famous single. Mariah Carey's cover of Without you.
- I then like to get students to think about why certain people become famous across the globe and eventually elicit the main reason is that they can sing in more than one language thus enhancing their global appeal.
- Then comes the clincher. I put up the video of Ken Lee. Both the link for the song and the funny clip are below.
- Sit back and watch your students fall about laughing whilst learning the valuable lesson the actually learning what your singing can prevent international ridicule.

I hope you and your students enjoy it as much as mine did.
Mariah Carey - Without You
Ken Lee
Til next time
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