Tuesday 25 November 2014

Get Toned

After my last post I felt like I was hit by some kind of mega evil throat infectiony train that whacked me on my back for a couple of days. thankfully that's done and dusted and I can stop acting like a typical man and acting as if the world uis about to end because my throat was a bit fatter than usual.

So last week I talked a bit about tone and how it can be adapted to convey some very different meanings. This post is going along very similar line but with a slightly different twist. It'll keep your students focussed on the importance of tone but not bore them with repartition. Yet again, it's a quicky. A wee five minute filler just to keep pronunciation at least at the back of your students minds.

Again it uses the premise of using the same sentence (last week it was a word) and presenting it to a partner in a different tone of voice.

Before setting the students off I tell them the three tones they are going to use.

Happy and Excited
Sad and upset
Nervous and worried.

i then tell them to think about different situations when they have felt those range of mixed emotions and quickly tell their partner about them.

Then I give students the sentence. "I've got something to tell you." Next I set the Ss to task with telling their partner the sentence for one of their previous situations. They then have to guess which one it was and switch. The winners are obviously the team who gets the most situattions correct. A always giving students a good model is absolutely vital.

For the powerpoint with all of these pronunciation ideas and a handout to go with it please take a look across at the more materials link. It's all there and free for anyone to do with as they please.

that's all for now peeps.

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