Friday 27 November 2015

Memes and Procrastination Poo Pages

Trying to spark an interest in reading can sometimes be somewhat difficult when it comes to language learners. What I've started to do with my teenagers is get them to read little by little. With things like Memes. They may only be 10 or 15 words but each one tends to lead to even more reading.  It really isn't a great deal but it builds up.
I've recently introduced some of my classes to what I call procrastination or poo pages. Those black holes you sometimes get stuck in when all you really want to do is be productive. You know the type of pages you read while you're sitting on the toilet. Perhaps not the image you want. It is however a great way of getting your students to use English when they aren't even thinking about it.
I've showed my classes pages like:

Bear in mind some of these have fairly choice language so choose carefully as to which ones you want to show your students.

Added to that I get students to find funny memes and as much with as much word play in them as possible to bring to class and present themselves. I've added a bunch of these to a powerpoint. I've notieced a huge interest in this and students try and outdo each other by bringing more and more complex jokes to class. Or simply something really cute. they are always in English. which can only be a good thing.
Just here:
Materials- look for memes

Right then, that's it for today. I do hope this brings a smile and sparks that interest in reading. Even if it is only 50 words a day.

'til the next time.


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